(The three sailors are sneaking across the stage when the play opens.)
Reg-New York, what a town!
Con-I'll say! I've bought plenty of souvenirs on my first trip to
America, and met lots of pretty women.
Wil-Not me! I went and saw cats for free!
Reg-How on earth did you see Cats without paying any money?
Con-Yeah, it's a Broadway production!
Wil-Broadway? I saw them in that alley over, must have been fifty of
them. They didn't sing, "Memory," but it was still the best show
I've seen in years.
Con-William, you never cease to frighten me.
Wil-Nor I myself.
Reg-Look what I've got, two tickets to tomorrow's Yankees-Red Sox
Con-By Jove! But you've got two tickets and only one of you. Who else
are you going to take?
Reg-No-one, I figure one of them can be a nice souvenir. Now be
quiet, we're out way past curfew and we don't want to get caught by the
Wil-And speaking of Cap'n Arthur, how are you going to get past the
Cap'n to go to the game?
(Enter Captain Arthur, who stands behind Reginald)
Reg-Captain Arthur? Why that dumb old geezer couldn't catch a cold.
Cap'n-Out for a midnight stroll, chaps?
(Sailors turn around)
Wil-Why, hello, Captain Arthur. Reginald here was just talking
Reg-(interrupts and puts hand over William's mouth) about what
a lovely night it is!
Cap'n-Indeed. And what about you, Conrad?
Con-(frightened) I'm sorry cap'n, it was their fault! Please
don't send me to the stockade!
Cap'n-At ease, Conrad. Now would you boys mind telling me why you're
out so late?
Reg-Late, why what time is it?
Cap'n-5:00 a.m., London time. Curfew was at 4:00.
Con-(To Reginald) I thought you said 4:00 New York time. Cap'n,
he told me curfew was 4:00 New York time.
Reg-No, I said wake-up was at 4:00 New York time, which would be 9:00
London time.
Wil-I've always wondered about that time zone thing. How can the time
be different at two places and still be the same time? I mean, if I were to
Cap'n-(interrupts) William!
Wil-(chuckles) Sorry, sir, er, Cap'n sir.
Cap'n-Now, why were you boys out an hour past curfew?
Con-Well, actually, sir, we tried to get back in time, but...um..
Reg-But we got stuck. Yeah! We were shopping at Macy's, and we were
on the elevator, and then a power outage stopped the elevator.
Wil-Yeah, the elevator stopped, and I had to get out and push.
Cap'n-Uh, huh.
Con-Actually, sir, we got lost. We didn't know how to get back, so we
decided to split up. Well, I was still lost, so I picked up a map and a few
souvenirs at a department store, and caught a cab back here.
Reg-Yeah, and after we split up, I went in this door that I thought
was a bus stop, and the next thing I know I'm in the middle of a production
of West Side Story, and of course I had to finish the performance, 'cause if
I'd just walked offstage it would have looked a might strange.
Wil-And, Cap'n sir, I would have been back sooner, but I got mugged
by an old woman in a subway tunnel.
Cap'n-Oh, really? And what were you doing in a subway tunnel?
Wil-What? Oh, did I say a subway tunnel? Silly me, I meant to say a
funnel cloud. Yeah, this big tornado swept me up, and the old woman with the
green face and the pointy hat took my wallet and yelled, "I'll get you
my pretty!"
Con-Oh, good show, William! Way to screw up a totally believable
story! Why don't you just tell Cap'n Arthur that your eyes fell out?
Wil-Don't be silly, Conrad, of course my eyes didn't fall out. (to
Captain Arthur,) But my teeth did, and it took me three hours to find
Cap'n-That's enough, William. Now this time, you chaps tell Captain
Arthur the truth. Reginald, why were you men out an hour past curfew?
Reg-Hmm...We were out an hour past curfew because Conrad wants to be
a cap'n and he was practicing being fashionably late.
Cap'n-Conrad, a captain of a British ship? Never.
Con-Now let's not get into that discussion again.
Wil-We were shooting a music video.
Reg-Good call, William! Yes, we were shooting a music video with
Bruce Springsteen entitled, "Born in Britain." It premieres next
Tuesday on VH-1.
Con-We thought we saw Elvis? Oh, what's the use? Reginald, we're
going to go to the stockade and it's all your fault!
Cap'n-You chaps must think I'm dumb.
Reg, Con, Wil-Yes sir! (Cap'n begins to looks angry) I mean,
No sir! You're not dumb!
Cap'n- You were out buying me a birthday present, and you're trying
to keep it a secret.
(Sailors look at each other)
Wil-Birthday? (stupid look)
Con-Birthday, yes. Cap'n Arthur, you smart old devil, you saw right
through us again. I see why you're cap'n, you're smart. Well, since the
cat's out of the bag, we might as well give you our presents now.(Conrad
and William give Captain Arthur their bags) And, Cap'n, look what
Reginald got you, two tickets to tomorrow's Yankees game!
Cap'n-Why, thank you, Reginald! Well, good day, chaps.
(Exit Captain Arthur)
Reg-I don't believe you gave away my Yankees tickets!
Con-Well, it's better than going to the stockades.
Reg-I shouldn't have been a sailor.
Wil-Yeah, I should have been what my mum told me to be.
Con-What's that?
Wil-A bloomin' rocket scientist.