The Altar


The Altar

written by Jeff Estep and Lori Miller

It is my hope that this play will speak to every person in the audience because I hope that everyone can specifically identify with one or more of the characters in the play. I am writing this to be a fairly solemn play, as the purpose is not to entertain so much as to cause the audience to seriously think about what they need to take to the altar.

Jeff Estep

Main characters

Anthony- He is a non-Christian who has been trampled on by the world. His whole life he has been rejecting God, but now he feels God tugging at his heart, and at the end decides to commit his life to the Lord.

Dominick- He is Anthony’s friend- He has recently accepted Christ as his savior, and is the one who witnesses to Anthony. He also realizes he needs to seek a closer walk with Christ.

Paul-A Christian who has had a long relationship with Christ. He thinks he may be being into the ministry, but he is not sure, and is afraid to take the step of faith. He needs courage and the assurance that God will guide his steps wherever he is called.

Sara- She has just broken up with her boyfriend. She feels rejected, and seeks God’s love and companionship. She is confused and spiteful, and she needs God to help her deal with the pain of losing someone that meant so much to her. Also, Sara and Michelle are accountability partners.

Michelle- Like Paul, she has been a Christian for a long time, and has a very good relationship with Him. However, she is often discouraged by the world, and also gets discouraged when she witnesses to her friends and they don’t seem to respond to her. She needs God’s peace and a renewed perservearance.

Minor characters-

Ellen- Paul’s mom. She has long been praying for Paul, and has felt that he belongs in the ministry. She encourages him in all that he does, and tells him to follow God, and not to worry about where the road leads.

Zach- Sara’s boyfried. The two break up right at the beginning. He really cares for Sara, but is not looking for any kind of permanent relationship like Sara is.

Randy and

Liz- Two of Michelle’s friends. Stereotypical grunge type teenagers. They respect Michelle’s "religion", (they don’t understand that Christianity is not a religion but a relationship, nor do they care to know), and they playfully tease her about being a "church girl". Instead of seeing God’s joy in Michelle’s life, they just see her as a happy person. Instead of recongizing her desire to witness through servanthood, they think she is just a nice person. Etc., etc.

Greg- the Youth Pastor, who teaches of the approachable altar. He encourages the youth to go to God no matter what their situation.



Act I

Scene 1: Sara and Zach break up

Scene 2: Anthony and Dominick, Dominick invites Anthony to church. Anthony acknowledges that there is a void in his life.

Scene 3: Paul and his mom. Paul tells her he thinks he may be being called into ministry

Scene 4: Michelle with her friends. She tries to witness to them, but they don’t seem to care.

Act II A week later

Scene 1: Sara and Michelle are talking. Michelle comforts Sara, Michelle shares her frustrations with Sara.

Scene 2: Paul with Greg. Paul shares his thoughts with Greg, and they pray.

Scene 3: Anthony and Dominick. Anthony desires God more, and Dominick realizes while witnessing to Anthony that his (Dominick’s) heart isn’t where it should be either.

Act III That next Sunday night at Youth

Greg’s lesson is about the approachable altar. After about five minutes, he encourages the youth to take their burdens to the altar. One by one they do, while Ray Boltz’s ‘The Altar" plays in the background. At this point, Greg invites audience and other youth present to also approach the altar.

Narration- to be read to audience before first scene-

Narr-"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." God’s greatest desire for the human race can be summed up in these simple words, which are taken from Matthew 11:28. Perhaps one of the most comforting promises of Jesus is that He will give comfort to anyone who is willing to humbly give their burdens over to Him. The story you are about to witness is the story of a youth group, more specifically, the story of five young people within a youth group, who are all about to discover one of the fundamental truths about Christianity- that everyone has something that they need to take to the altar.

Act I

Act I Scene 1- setting- street

(Sara and Zach are taking a walk after school, scene opens with Sara and Zach hand in hand at one end of the stage, frozen)


(The two begin slowly walking)

Sara- Did you hear what Mr. O’Connel said?

Zach- No.

Sara- Well, he said that the first time he saw his wife he knew he was in love.

Zach- (snickering) Whatever.

(Sara stops and Zach turns to face her)

Sara- What do you mean by that?

Zach- How do you know you’re truly in love if you don’t even know the person you’re in love with?

Sara- I still don’t understand.

Zach- What I mean is that people these days just rush into love.

Sara- So, the first time you told me you loved me it didn’t really mean anything because you really didn’t know me?

Zach- (defensively) That’s not what I meant at all!

Sara- Then what do you mean? You’re confusing me, Zach.

(Sara looks hurt. Pause)

Zach- Sara, I’m sorry.

Sara- Me too. (Slight pause) Anyway, what Mr. O’Connel said kinda reminded me of us.

Zach- (lets go of her hand and takes a step back) You know, maybe we’re rushing into things.

Sara- I don’t understand you anymore. You used to be this great guy. We never used to fight, you were always so sweet, but now it seems like I don’t know you anymore.

Zach- (seriously)Yeah, well, I’m beginning to think that you want more than I can give.

Sara- Oh, Zach...

Zach- Maybe it’s time we leave. (Zach begins to leave, but Sara grabs his arms)

Sara- No, I want to finish this.

Zach- There’s nothing to finish. (They pause for a moment and look at each other) Look Sara, we are different people than when we first got together. I’m not sure we are even right for each other anymore.

Sara- Are you saying...?

Zach- (Interupts) That we should break up? Yes, I think that’s what I’m trying to get at. I’m sorry. I care for you very much, Sara, but I don’t think I’m in love.

Sara- I, I never saw this coming, Zach. I thought we’d always be together, but if this is what you want, then maybe we should end it. I only want what’s best for you.

Zach- Well, can I walk you home?

Sara- I don’t think so. Bye, Zach.

Zach- I’ll see you tomorrow then?

Sara- No, that would just be too confusing. (Sara turns and leaves the way they came)

Zach- (softly to offstage) Bye, Sara.


Act I Scene 2- setting- Dominick’s house

(Scene opens with stage empty)


(Anthony and Dominick walk onto stage together. They have just finished playing soccer. They enter and sit at Dominick’s kitchen table. Each have a bottle of Gatorade.)

Tony- Wow, that was some game.

Dom- Yeah, it wore me out. You know, you’re a pretty good goalie.

Tony- You think so? I never played goalie before today.

Dom- You’re kidding me.

Tony- No, no kidding.

Dom- Well, maybe coach will let you play it more often. We couldn’t have won if it weren’t for that diving save you made.

Tony- Nah, it wasn’t that great! (Dominick takes a drink) Hey, you think Johnson is alright? He looked pretty hurt. (Anthony takes a drink)

Dom- Well, the referee thought his leg was broken. I hope he’s okay. Oh well, it’s beyond our control I guess.

Tony- Yeah, I guess.

Dom- I’ll ask my youth group to pray for him. He must be in a lot of pain.

Tony- You’re really into that church thing, aren’t you?

Dom- I am really involved in church, but that’s not what is important.

Tony- What do you mean?

Dom- Well, what I do for the church I do as a service to God. Because He gave his life for me, I need to live my life thanking Him by obeying His commands and serving others, and church is one way to do that.

Tony- I used to go to church. But, it always made me uncomfortable. I believe in God and everything, but getting up early every Sunday and following a bunch of rules just doesn’t sound like much fun.

Dom- I can see where you’re coming from. I was in your shoes awhile ago, but then I found a void in my life, and only Jesus can fill that void.

Tony- I guess I do feel kind of empty sometimes. I need to fill it with something.

Dom- Would you like to come to church with me Sunday?

Tony- I guess it can’t hurt.

Dom- No, I guess not.

Tony- (looks at watch) Well, I think I’m gonna go on home and take a shower. See ya at practice.

Dom- See ya Anthony.

Tony- Later.

(Exit Tony. Lights fade while Dominick is still at table.)

Act I Scene 3- setting- Paul’s house

(Scene opens with Paul sitting on the floor, reading his Bible)


(Paul is reading his Bible, obviously troubled about something. After a few seconds, Ellen enters)

Ellen- (offstage) Paul? Can I come in dear?

Paul- Sure mom.

Ellen- Hi, oh I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interupt your devotions again.

Paul- That’s okay, what’s up?

Ellen- Well, I just wanted to tell you not to make any plans for Sunday afternoon. We’re going over to your grandparents’ house for dinner.

Paul- Sure thing.

Ellen- Well, I’ll let you get back to your reading. (Starts to leave)

Paul- Wait, mom? (Ellen turns around) Mom, what does God’s voice sound like?

Ellen- Well, (sits down and thinks for a second), I suppose that depends. Sometimes it’s a loud unmistakable voice and sometimes it’s just a faint whisper.

Paul- (looks down as though his mom’s comments didn’t help any)

Ellen- Why, do you think God may be trying to say something?

Paul- I don’t know. I mean, I’ve felt Him speaking to me before, but then it always made me, I don’t know, glad. It always made me feel joyful, and encouraged. But not this time.

Ellen- Are you sure it’s God’s voice?

Paul- I think so.

Ellen- Well what does it make you feel like?

Paul- Um, kinda nervous. Like I want to follow it but I’m afraid to. It’s like, well, part of me thinks that God is telling me to do something, and the other part thinks that the voice I hear is just my own subconcious, and...

Ellen- and you can’t tell which it is.

Paul- Yeah, how did you know?

Ellen- Been there, done that. It’s happened to all of us.

Paul- Oh. So which is it?

Ellen- I wish I could tell you. (Paul looks down) (Ellen lifts his chin up) Do you want to tell me what you think God is telling you to do?

Paul- (hesitates) Mom, do you think I’d make a good preacher?

Ellen- (ecstatic) I think you’d make an excellent preacher. Do you think that’s what God wants?

Paul- I don’t know. Maybe, but... I’m not sure. I, I just don’t know.

Ellen- Well, whenever you’re faced with something like this, and this isn’t the last time you’re going to face it, the important thing to remember is that God knows you’re scared. And that’s okay. Sometimes God allows us to be confused so that we’ll go to Him in prayer. It’s like a test of faith. The question is, are you going to let Him take control of your future? If you are, then you need to pray and tell Him how you feel. Ask Him for guidance. He’ll listen. Does that answer your question?

Paul- Sort of.

Ellen- Well, keep praying, and be patient. Well, I’m going to bed. I’m so proud of you (gives Paul a hug.)

Paul- Good night, and thanks. (Exit Ellen)

End scene

Act I Scene 4 -setting- high school cafeteria

(Scene opens with Randy and Liz sitting at lunch table)


(Enter Michelle)

Liz- Hey Michelle!

Mich- Hi! (sits down and opens her packed lunch)

Randy- So Michelle, how was the U.S. History test?

Mich- It wasn’t too bad.

Liz- I heard it’s a real doozy.

Randy- Shell, you’re a pal. How about you help us out?

Liz- Yeah, tell us a little more about what’s on the test.

Mich- Well, you know, it’s about JFK and what he did while he was in office.

Randy- (sarcastically) Well duh, we all knew that. Could you maybe be a little more specific? Please?

Mich- All I can say is that if you went over your notes and did your review, you’ll do just fine.

(Randy and Liz look at each other)

Liz- Look who you’re talking to. We never study. Come on, loosen up.

Mich- (looks at her WWJD bracelet) I’m sorry, I can’t.

Randy- Oh yeah, I forgot.

Liz- I’m sure God wouldn’t mind if you just help a little. Consider it charity work.

Mich- (obviously uncomfortable) Can we talk about something else please?

Randy- I heard the funniest joke on the radio this morning.

Mich- Wait, is it dirty?

Randy- Well, it could be.

Mich- Well, do you think I would consider it a dirty joke?

Randy- (disappointed) You probably would.

Liz- Man Michelle, your religion is no fun.

Mich- It’s not a religion, it’s a relationship.

Liz- With who?

Mich- Well, God.

Randy- How can you have a relationship with someone you can’t see?

Mich- It’s not hard, really.

Liz- (Looks at Randy, who motions with her head as to leave) Michelle, it’s almost time to go back to class. We’ll see you later.

Mich- Bye, guys.

Randy- (Pats Michelle on the back) Hang in there, Shell.

(Exit Randy and Liz)

Mich- (Hits her head with her hand) Man! Why can’t I do this right?

(Gathers up her things and walks off the way she came)


Act II

Act II Scene 1- setting- Michelle’s house

(Scene opens with Sara and Michelle sitting on sleeping bags)


Michelle- Sara, I’ve been noticing how you’ve been since your breakup with Zach. It doesn’t seem like you to get so depressed.

Sara- (Looks down) Yeah, it just hit me at the wrong time. I thought Zach and I would be together forever. Why did this have to happen to me?

Mich- I don’t know. Sometimes life just doesn’t work out the way we want it to.

Sara- (Seriously) What do you know that I don’t?

Mich- Well, I haven’t had the same exact experience, but I know how it feels to be let down.

Sara- (Upset) It hurts, doesn’t it?

Mich- At first, maybe. Sara, you got to get back on the saddle.

Sara- I don’t think I can ever find another guy like Zach. I miss him so much.

Mich- I don’t know if this will help, but I kinda have been going through a little rejection myself.

Sara- You, Michelle? You’re such a great person. Who would reject you?

Mich- You know how I’ve been trying to witness to Liz and Randy?

Sara- Oh, yeah.

Mich- Well, they don’t understand why I do the things I do. Then when I try to explain my relationship with Jesus, they get all weird and try to change the subject or they leave before I have the chance to share what my life is really about.

Sara- I didn’t realize it was so tough.

Mich- Yeah.

Sara- It looks like we both could use a true friend to talk to, uh, not that you’re not a good friend and all, but...

Mich- (interupts laughing) I know what you mean.

Fade lights

Act II Scene 2- Setting- Greg’s Office

(Scene opens with Greg behind desk)


(Paul knocks on door)

Greg- Come in. (Enter Paul) Oh, Hi Paul.

Paul- Hi Pastor Greg, you got a minute?

Greg- I got a few. What’s up?

Paul- I’ve got a God problem?

Greg- Ahh. Well, I’m ready to listen.

Paul- Well, I’m having trouble... finding what God wants me to do. I’m not sure, but I think He may be calling me into ministry.

Greg- That’s what your mom said.

Paul- Figures. A guy thinks he’s called into ministry and soon everyone and his sister knows about it.

Greg- Well, it’s an exciting possibility.

Paul- Yeah, I just hope everyone isn’t getting excited over nothing.

Greg- Your mom says you’re still not sure if it’s what God really wants.

Paul- You can say that again. Man, I never thought serving God could get so complicated.

Greg- How do you mean?

Paul- Well, I thought I’d finish school, go to college, get married, raise a family, lead a long Christian life, die and go to heaven...I thought it was that simple.

Greg- Are you saying you don’t want to go into ministry?

Paul- (slight pause) Well, no, I gave my life to Jesus and said I’d do whatever He wanted, and I know I’ve got to live up to that promise. I mean...I want to do God’s will, I’m just not sure how much I want to do it.

Greg- This is really tough, I know. But you’ve also got to realize that serving God isn’t always comfortable and His plans aren’t always the same as ours. (slight pause) You know, when God called Isaiah to be a prophet to the Israelites, Isaiah said, "Here am I." He didn’t say, "Why me?"

Paul- So you’re saying you think I should go into the ministry?

Greg- I’m saying that if you are called to the ministry you should go.

Paul- But I don’t know if I’m being called. That’s why I’m so confused.

Greg- Well, just keep your faith in God. In His time He will reveal His plan to you. One good thing that confusion does is force us to trust in God. I know that God has a great plan for you. The question you need to answer is, do you have enough faith to trust in Him until He tells you what to do next? Will you wait for God?

Paul- I’ll sure try.

Greg- (slight pause) My lesson at youth group this next Sunday is about how God has an approachable altar. He wants you to take all of your troubles and confusion and give them over to Him. There is nothing in the world that would keep God from listening to the prayer of a humble and God-seeking heart.


Greg- Would you like to pray with me?

Paul- (quietly) Yeah.

(Greg gets out of chair, kneels beside the chair, and they enter into silent prayer. After about five seconds of silence, fade to black)

Act II Scene 3- setting- Dominick’s house

(Scene opens with Anthony and Dominick sitting at the kitchen table, drinking cans of pop)


Dom- So, what do you wanna do?

Tony- I dunno. Any ideas?

Dom- None. (Pause) So what did you think about church Sunday

Tony- It was pretty cool. You got some nice people there.

Dom- Yeah, we do. You wanna come again this Sunday?

Tony- I, I don’t know. I’m just not sure if this religion thing is for me. It’s just, there’s so many rules. I don’t think I can follow them all.

Dom- Do you think that Christianity is just a bunch of rules?

Tony- Well, yeah- the Ten Commandments, doing what Jesus said, going to church, that’s what I was always taught at home. Why, isn’t it?

Dom- No, actually it isn’t. It’s actually much simpler than that.

Tony- It is?

Dom- Would you like me to tell you what it is about?

Tony- Yeah, I guess.

Dom- You see, basically, we were created to have a relationship, or friendship, with God. That’s why Adam and Eve were created, to be God’s friends. But when Adam and Eve sinned, God had to kick them out of His presence.

Tony- Why?

Dom- Because God is perfect, and because He is perfect He couldn’t allow imperfection in His sight. And when Adam and Eve sinned, and became sinners, all of their future offspring became sinners too, because sin became engrained in us. As is says in Romans, "For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

Tony- So where does Jesus fit in?

Dom- Well, along with sin came a price. And according to Romans 6:23, "the wages of sin is death." Because of our sin, we are doomed to eternal separation from God. But God still loved us even though we sinned. So He sent His own son, Jesus, to come to earth and take the punishment that we deserved.

Tony- And that’s when He died on the cross.

Dom- Yes. He took the judgement we should have been given. He even descended into Hell, but Death could not hold Jesus there because He is perfect. So God raised Him from the dead to prove that sin no longer has to separate us from God.

Tony- (short pause) So why are a lot of people still going to Hell if the price of sin is paid?

Dom- Because only those that seek to have a relationship with God are allowed to have eternal life.

Tony- You mean the kind of relationship that He wanted all along?

Dom- Yes. If you believe that Jesus died for your sins, was raised from the dead, and decide to give Him control of your life, He promises to forgive you of your sins freely, and give you eternal life.

Tony- You really seem to know what you’re talking about.

Dom-Well, I don’t know everything In fact, I struggle everyday to put Jesus first in my life. And there’s a lot of times that I’ve failed Him miserably. But I know I have hope that He will change me if I let Him.

Tony- And that’s it?

Dom- Well, that’s the basics.

Tony- So what about all those rules?

Dom- Well, we are saved by our faith, or believing what Christ did for us. Part of giving Jesus control of your life is admitting that you have sinned, and that means that you agree to turn away from sin. To a Christian, the rules you are talking about tell us when we have sinned, they tell us areas of our lives we need to improve.

Tony- So faith saves a person, not following the rules.

Dom- Right. So, do you think you want to give your life to Jesus right now?

Tony- Uh, I don’t know. I’d like some time to think about it. But thanks for answering my questions.

Dom- Hey, I’m here for you anytime.

Tony- OK. Thanks a lot, Dominick I gotta do some thinking. I guess I’ll see you later.

Dom- Bye Anthony.

(Exit Anthony, Fade to black.)


Act III is a five to ten minute sermon, given to the youth group by Greg. The sermon should be about God’s approachable altar. There is no set script for this act, so Greg should write a sermon that reflects his own style.

After his sermon to the youth group, the main characters of the story all approach the altar one after another, followed by the minor characters. Then Greg invites the audience to approach the altar. At this time Ray Boltz’s "The Altar" should begin playing over the sound system.